"You and I are created to be conquerors! Every one of us is born into a world at war with a powerful adversary. God intends that we not only challenge our enemy but victoriously overcome him." As we read in Scripture, "No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us" (Romans 8:37, NLT).
"The days in which we live seem to grow ever darker. Every day we hear of our world being besieged with war, sickness, violence, and injustice. Anxiety and fear appear inescapable. No longer can God's people neglect His call to awaken to the role He intends for us to fulfill; that of sharing the love, hope, and freedom Jesus gave His life to ensure. We need to understand as God confirms in His Word, we're not fighting one another, 'For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places' (Ephesians 6:12, ESV).
God's plan for your victorious life of freedom is simple, but it's not always easy. He longs to transform each one of us, that we may live the abundant, overcoming life Christ gave His life to ensure we would experience." Let me teach you how to partner with the Lord to reach into the heavens and draw all that Christ accomplished on Calvary into your present reality, that the supernatural life of His Kingdom will be natural for you.
"The days in which we live seem to grow ever darker. Every day we hear of our world being besieged with war, sickness, violence, and injustice. Anxiety and fear appear inescapable. No longer can God's people neglect His call to awaken to the role He intends for us to fulfill; that of sharing the love, hope, and freedom Jesus gave His life to ensure. We need to understand as God confirms in His Word, we're not fighting one another, 'For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places' (Ephesians 6:12, ESV).
God's plan for your victorious life of freedom is simple, but it's not always easy. He longs to transform each one of us, that we may live the abundant, overcoming life Christ gave His life to ensure we would experience." Let me teach you how to partner with the Lord to reach into the heavens and draw all that Christ accomplished on Calvary into your present reality, that the supernatural life of His Kingdom will be natural for you.
The Latest:
We are excited to announce that Maureen is working on an accompanying study guide and will soon be in the studio to record audio teachings from her book Victorious Spiritual Warfare, So Simple Grandma can do it! Look for these dynamic and timely teachings coming from Leadership Books.

Called and Prepared
God's plan for your victorious life of freedom is simple, but it's not always easy. He longs to transform each one of us, that we may live the abundant, overcoming life Christ gave His life to ensure we would experience." Let me teach you how to partner with the Lord to reach into the heavens and draw all that Christ accomplished on Calvary into your present reality, that the supernatural life of His Kingdom will be natural for you.
What People are saying about Maureen’s Teaching Ministry

Pastor Maureen Broderson is passionately in love with her Papa God, and is on a mission to see His beloved children unhindered in their life walk with Him. She is gifted in clearly teaching the why and the how...we need only say “Yes!” to experience the depth of His transforming love for us!
Reverend Penelope Wolfe,
International Church
of the Foursquare Gospel,
Founder “Still Waters” Ministries
Reverend Penelope Wolfe,
International Church
of the Foursquare Gospel,
Founder “Still Waters” Ministries

If you are looking for a time away to find deeper intimacy with God, you will not be disappointed at a retreat with Maureen Broderson. She presents with gentleness from the Spirit that draws you from chaos into a day of sweet calm. As she teaches the keys to a life that flourishes, you encounter fresh joy in knowing you have been chosen by the Father to live life to the fullest as you center in His Word.
Pastor Rebecca Best,
Hawthorne Foursquare Church
Hawthorne, California 90250
Pastor Rebecca Best,
Hawthorne Foursquare Church
Hawthorne, California 90250

As an author, speaker, teacher, and life coach, Pastor Maureen Broderson operates with remarkable spiritual insight, personal compassion, and a concrete commitment to Biblical truth. A frequent guest speaker and conference contributor to our congregation, Maureen has led many among us into greater freedom and clarity in Christ in their personal lives, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual disciplines.
Maureen guides people into this spiritual vitality and practical maturity with scriptural integrity, relatable humor, empathetic sensitivity, and the palpable empowerment of the Holy Spirit evident in her ministry. One of our favorite guest speakers, Maureen truly helps bring people more fully into the abundant life and freedom promised to us in Christ Jesus.
Pastor Courtney Hall,
Praise Christian Fellowship
Los Angeles
Maureen guides people into this spiritual vitality and practical maturity with scriptural integrity, relatable humor, empathetic sensitivity, and the palpable empowerment of the Holy Spirit evident in her ministry. One of our favorite guest speakers, Maureen truly helps bring people more fully into the abundant life and freedom promised to us in Christ Jesus.
Pastor Courtney Hall,
Praise Christian Fellowship
Los Angeles